
How to Handle Criticism Like a Boss - 4 Steps You Can Take to Start Being Heard

  When we think of criticism, our first impression might be that it’s something negative. People who are critical are often singled out and told to leave the building. In a perfect world, this wouldn’t apply to us. However, the world we live in is not a perfect world. When you’re in business or an organization you need to prepare for criticism like other people. But how to handle it when it comes? Here are four tips on how to deal with criticisms in a way that makes the person leaving feel heard and inspired rather than criticized again. Define the Criticization and What’s Being Criticized When someone tells you to “cut it out,” “stop,” or “that’s enough,” they’re not just saying it. You’re doing something wrong. You’re being too hard on yourself. In fact, the person who said those things could be feeling the same way as you: frustration with their own inability to do something. It’s easier to cut someone some slack when you’re both in the same boat. But when it comes to criticism,...